This is a blog for animal rights activists who are concerned about the misogynist, racist, homophobic and transphobic tactics used by PETA.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
OMG, you guys, PETA is, like, TOTALLY feminist!
I have proof. On their blog, they've written two articles that mention feminism! Never mind that one is a pitiful attempt to justify their bullshit treatment of women, ending with a call for opinions that won't be used if they're toooo critical of PETA. (Trust me, I know this from experience.) I guess I'd better close this blog now that we have the final proof that PETA are our Feminist Saviors.
Name: The Venerable Vegan Empress Home: About Me: See my complete profile If you have any ideas for an article here or would like to write a post, I'd love that! I work full time, volunteer and take classes at my city's university, so I don't work on this project nearly as often as I'd like. Just send me a comment with your contact info -- I approve all comments before posting, so if you include info that you don't want published let me know and I won't publish your comment.